Honda Talon Rain Gutters 44.99


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Tired of your leg getting soaked every time it rains? We have come up with the solution with our Honda Talon Rain Gutters!

Easily install the rain gutters with Black Permatex adhesive. No drilling required. Just line up the gutters and mark with tape. Apply adhesive to back of gutter and around front. Stick on and use some small utility clamps to hold in place overnight to dry. Add a piece of 1/2″ ID clear tubing about 30″ and zip tie to the A pillar. The gutter catches the water and channels all of it from the roof down the tube. No more wet leg!

Adhesive and Tubing not included for those that already have some, but can be added for 14.99.

Includes left and right side rain gutters.

Honda Talon rain gutters are made with PETG which resists warping and cracking from heat/cold/sun like the commonly used PLA.

Additional information

Add Adhesive and Hose 14.99

Add Adhesive and Hose, Rain Gutters only